There are six (6) boards of director’s positions:
- Provides the vision and long-term plan for the development of the club
- Provides leadership for the board of directors in leading the club
- Liaise with other clubs and develop strong relationships with external community groups
- If there are an odd number of board positions filled, then the president act as a chair of the board (non-voting member)
- Ability to sign legal documents representing the club
- Ability to sign cheques with the Treasurer
Vice President/ President-Elect
- Assist the President in providing leadership for the board of directors, included but not limited to liaising with other organizations, strategic planning, and administration management.
- In the absence of the President at a board meeting, the vice-president will step into the role of the President and chair the meeting
- This is a two-term position, where members will be able to vote the Vice President/President-Elect position into the President position during the second term
- Ability to sign cheques with the Treasurer
- Manages the club’s budget year-round and tracks expenditures on a monthly basis
- Monitor trends and provides recommendations in distribution of funds that needs the non-for-profit guidelines
- Works with a designated accountant for the club during tax season to prepare documentation for end of year report to CRA
- Provides a financial report at the AGM to all members, including the budget, distribution of funds, and revenue generated by the club via memberships
- Manages and organizes all receipts and reimbursements on a monthly basis
- Ability to sign cheques with the President or the Treasurer
- Is the keeper of all administration, documents, and minutes
- Responsible for the development of all printing and marketing resources, including but not limited to logos, letterheads, newsletters, posters, web design, and print materials
- Creates and maintain a consistent club image
- Creates a critical path of important dates year round re: communication to members (i.e. membership registration, important dates, calendars)
- Research and obtain quotes for any communication related projects (i.e. T-shirt printing)
Membership Chair
- Responsible for the membership registration at the beginning of the season
- Responsible in collecting, storing, and updating personal information on individuals
- Represents the voice of the membership community and brings forth any member concerns, suggestions, and/or comments to the Board of Directors (liaison)
- Responsible in the screening, interview, and hiring process of all volunteers; and tracks all personnel record files
- Works with the other chair members in creating opportunity for members to volunteer
- Tracks all volunteer hours and duties of all members to ensure they fulfill their minimum requirement
- Tracks quality of work by volunteers and puts forth at the end of the year a list of exceptional volunteers that deserves praise and recognition
- Presents awards to exceptional volunteers at the AGM meeting, in recognition
Special Events Chair
- Plans year round for special events to:
- Raise money for the club for special projects decided by the Board
- Develop the club
- Raise public awareness
- Work with other chairs to market and promote events
- Outreach to corporate sponsors to donate and support events
- Provide recognition to corporate sponsors at the end of the event